Friday, May 7, 2010

Five Points for Team Vegan Stars!

Hello Teammate!!

I can't tell you how thrilled and excited I am that you have signed up to be a part of Team Vegan – and actively work to continue and expand Vegan Outreach’s efforts for the animals! As you know, we are dedicated to reducing as much suffering as possible per dollar donated and hour worked – so you can know we'll do our best to make your efforts has as big an impact as possible.

Some important notes:

1. GiveDirect – the third-party site that processes the donations without taking any fees (Vegan Outreach never sees your credit card information) – had been giving errors recently. It is back up now. If someone you know has tried to contribute lately, please ask them to try again. We apologize for the problems.

2. If you haven't finished registering, please complete your profile by midnight (Friday), so we can know who is going to be an active member of the team. Look here:
to see if your page is active, with an image uploaded (doesn't have to be a picture of you).

If you have any questions or problems, just write to me (veganoutreach (at) or Anne (anne (at)!

3. If you have had second thoughts and realize you don’t want to fundraise for Vegan Outreach, that’s fine. There are two ways to opt out – just write back to me or Anne, or set your fundraising goal to $0, and we’ll cut your profile. Then you shouldn’t get any more emails, and we can keep the Team as lean and mean as possible!

4. If you are looking for a hook for fundraising, Mother’s Day could work! Or, as Anne said in the post below, you can ask people to contribute just because you are so right-on!
5. Finally, please let us know your thoughts, ideas, questions, needs, etc. In addition to this blog, there is the Team Vegan Facebook page:

Or just write to me or Anne!

We’re doing our best to have Team Vegan work as efficiently – and inexpensively – as possible. This gets more booklets to more people, but things may be unclear or incomplete at times. So please let us know how we can help you help animals!

For the animals,
Matt Ball
Executive Director, Vegan Outreach

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